Friday, October 22, 2010



I am a commuter.  On an average day, it takes me about an hour to travel the 32 miles one way to get to work (45 minutes on a really good day, up to 2 hours on a really bad day.)  So, that means I spend (roughly) 2 hours a day, 10 hours a week, 40 hours a month, 480 hours a year, sitting alone in my car.  That’s a lot of time to pass by myself without having anything else to do but look over at other commuters stuck in traffic with me.  Here are some of my pet peeves when it comes to commuter etiquette (if there is such a thing):

If your windows are rolled down, please don’t blast your music to ear splitting levels.  NO one likes your music as much as you do.

If you must chat on the phone (it’s illegal in Cali without an earpiece, but somehow most people think that this more of a suggestion than a law), please pay attention to the road.  I’d like to make it home without getting rear-ended.

If you’re a landscape contractor/gardener, please make sure your equipment is secured to your vehicle.  I don’t want to swerve suddenly to dodge your rake or shovel.

As you would imagine, I don’t always come home in a chipper mood after such a long commute.  Luckily, my wonderful husband has made it more bearable for me by getting me a subscription to Simply Audiobooks (it’s like Netflix but with audio books).  I was resistant to the idea at first because I enjoy the act of reading an actual book, holding it in my hands, flipping its pages, re-reading paragraphs.  But listening to a professional reader/actor read to you is not such a bad way to spend 2 hours.

Any other commuters out there?  What do you do to pass the time?


At October 26, 2010 at 4:41 AM , Blogger gradydoctor said...

Traffic stinks! I'm from LA and I can't believe I moved to a city with nearly as crappy traffic! Uggghhhh!! Tha t commute sounds super heinous!

At October 26, 2010 at 8:14 PM , Blogger Discovery Street said...

the traffic in LA was the biggest reason I left the city!! I was commuting in seattle...but i just recently quit my job...i HATE commuting.


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